Recipe Ideas for your Jubilee Celebrations

Recipe Ideas for your Jubilee Celebrations

You’ve got the decorations, put together the guest list, but now for the hardest part – the food. Organising the food for a Jubilee party can be difficult; everyone has different tastes – and, of course, you’ll want to impress. We’ve created a few speedy recipes to give you a head start when preparing for your celebrations.

Our Florentine Pizza is perfect for sharing. People can grab a slice and continue partying with a pizza in hand!

Finger food is great for large gatherings. Vegan Cavolo Nero Sausage Rolls and Spinach Houmous with Pittas are two brilliant ideas for nibbles that people will keep grabbing and grabbing until they’re gone – so make sure to whip up a large batch!

Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten the dessert – everyone will love these Chocolate Cavolo Nero Brownies. They’ll keep the party going after everyone has had enough of the savoury stuff.

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