Florentine Pizza

PREP: 45 Minutes
COOK: 15 - 20 Minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Picture of a Florentine Pizza

Nutrition Info (Per Serving)

701 kcal Energy
99g Carbohydrate
29g Protein
3.5g (of which Sugar)
19g Fat
7g Fibre
10g (of which Saturated Fat)
2.3g Salt


  • 500g pack ciabatta bread mix
  • 150g passata
  • 3 tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • 200g grated Cheddar & mozzarella cheese mix
  • 260g bag spinach
  • 2 medium eggs


  1. Mix the bread mix with 280-300ml warm water to form a soft dough. Using a food mixer with a dough hook, knead for 8 minutes (or knead by hand for 10 minutes). Place in an oiled bowl, cover and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes until doubled in size.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6.
  3. Knock back the dough and divide into 2. Roll each out into a rough 28cm circle and place each on a greased baking tray. Spread with the passata and top with tomatoes. Sprinkle over the cheese.
  4. Place the spinach in a large bowl, cover with clingfilm and microwave for 2 minutes, squeeze out the excess liquid and scatter over the pizzas.
  5. Make a slight well in the centre and crack an egg into the centre. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden.

Cooking Tips

Try using a wholemeal or mixed grain bread mix. Add a pinch of chilli flakes to the passata for an extra kick.

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