Easy Weekday Meal Ideas for Vegetarian Week

Easy Weekday Meal Ideas for Vegetarian Week

Whether you or someone in your family is a vegetarian, or you’re simply trying to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet, here are four of our favourite tasty, nutritious and easy vegetarian meal ideas.

These recipes are perfect for busy weekday evenings. Each contains kale, cavolo nero or spinach, so benefit from the nutrients in the veg that are important for a healthy balanced diet. Kale and cavolo nero are both high in vitamins K, A and C, lutein, calcium and folic acid as well as manganese, copper and iron. They are also rich in lutein, an antioxidant that can help to keep eyes healthy.

Ready in 15 minutes and using only five ingredients, Cavolo Nero & Pesto Pasta is simple, speedy and tasty, benefiting from all the nutrients found in a handful of the veg.

Kale & Squash Curry makes for a healthy and delicious alternative to a takeaway.

Spinach & Lentil Dahl can be prepared in just 15 minutes, making for a nutritious dinner, as well as containing 2 of your 5-a-day.

Eating is a multi-sensory experience, so we love a dish that looks fantastic and tastes terrific, and has a wonderful aroma - just like this Kale and Tomato Galette.

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