Embrace Winter Wellness With Our Warming Recipes

Embrace Winter Wellness With Our Warming Recipes

When the nights draw in and the weather gets chilly, if you're like us you'll often start to crave 'unhealthy' comfort foods. But during the colder winter months when the dreaded cough and cold season begins, it is more important than ever to nourish our bodies with healthy foods to support our wellbeing.

To help you whip up some wholesome winter-ready meals, we have created three new warming recipes packed full of our favourite vegetables.

Bring a welcome vegetable boost to classic fish pie with our Creamy Fish and Sweetcorn Pie with Spinach Mash. Comforting and full of goodness, it is high in protein and vitamin K. You can add any fish you fancy, prawns also work well, and you can also swap the sweetcorn for peas and spinach for cavolo nero.

Our Chicken, Kale and Butter Bean Stew contains two of your five a day, and can be on the table in half an hour. It is also low in fat, high in protein and vitamin K, and a source of vitamin C – key for supporting immunity during the cold season.

If you’re craving Italian flavours, our Crispy Gnocchi, Cavolo Nero and Tomato One Pot makes a delicious lunch or dinner that is ready under 30 minutes. With courgettes, tomatoes and cavolo nero, it contains three of your five a day, and is high in vitamin C. It can also be made vegan if you use vegan gnocchi.

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