Cooking with Cavolo Nero

Cooking with Cavolo Nero

We often get asked why we are such avid cavolo nero fans. So, in case you haven’t found the answer for yourself yet, here are just a few reasons why cavolo nero is our favourite veg. In no particular order:

The look: Call us shallow but we love its appearance – all green and vibrant.

The taste: Leafy greens don’t taste better than this. Its fabulous flavour works with so many different dishes from hot and spicy to tangy tomato and classic Italian.

The simplicity: Most cavolo nero comes ready sliced, so all you need to do is take a handful and add to whatever you are making and however you are cooking it. For lots of easy ideas click here.

The good stuff: Cavolo nero is packed with lots of nutrients including vitamins, fibre, calcium and so much more. To find out more about why cavolo nero is quite the handful click here.

If this has whetted your appetite, check out these tasty recipes:

Falafel with Tomato & Cavolo Nero Sauce

These delicious cavolo nero falafels include 3 of your 5 a day in one hit! Perfectly paired with this tangy tomato and cavolo nero sauce, serve with couscous, or try with stonebaked flatbreads or pasta.

Fusilli Pasta with Chicken, Cavolo Nero & Tomatoes

With its Italian heritage, cavolo nero is a natural with pasta and is just as easy to cook too!

Sesame Cod Rice Bowls

This tasty dish is not only packed with flavour, colour and loads of goodness, but these sesame cod rice bowls also make the perfect sofa supper!

Cavolo Nero Crisps

And for the days when all you want is to munch on our favourite veg... these cavolo nero crisps take only moments to make, but we bet they disappear a lot faster than that!

Whether it’s your first time trying cavolo nero or you’re already a fan, we can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up, so make sure you tag us in on Facebook and Instagram!

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