A Cavolo Nero Fish Friday

A Cavolo Nero Fish Friday


Friday has been the traditional night to eat fish for centuries, so what better excuse for trying out different fish recipes every week. Whether it's a classic fish and chip supper, a fish stew, or pushing the boat out with a spicy stir-fry, the list of tasty fish dishes goes on and on.

To mark the beginning of the Easter Weekend, we've put together a selection of our favourite fish recipes with cavolo nero. Cavolo nero has a marvellous rich, intense and slightly sweet flavour, that complements a range of different fish. From stir-fried seabass, to a roasted cod or a smoked haddock fish pie, cavolo nero is the perfect partner for your fish supper.

If you feel inspired by any of these cavolo nero fish recipes then we'd love to see your creations on Facebook and Instagram! Simply follow us and tag us in your posts with @DiscoverGreatVeg

 Seabass Stir-Fry

If you love spice and oriental cuisine then this Seabass Stir-Fry has got your name written all over it! From the spicy chilli to the divine flavours of the the seabass, this dish offers an explosion of flavour and colour.

Roasted Cod on Cavolo Nero 

Cod is the simple classic for a truly British fish supper. In our light and tasty recipe the cod is roasted and placed on a bed of cavolo nero, then topped with plenty of chopped herbs and black olives for a healthy fish supper that doesn't compromise on flavour.


Smoked Haddock & Cavolo Nero Fish Pie

For a super start to the Easter weekend this light and creamy fish pie certainly gets our vote! This delicious pie is filled with plenty of cavolo nero, haddock, tomato and basil sauce with a helping of grated cheese for good measure!


Tuscan Stew

Packed with cod, tiger prawns, cavolo nero and yellow pepper in a beautiful tomato sauce, this stew's a one-pot wonder of colour and flavour! To make the most of the sauce, we suggest serving with a side of your favourite bread to mop up any leftovers.


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