Chicken and Cavolo Nero Tagine by Nutritionist Pixie Turner

PREP: 10 mins
COOK: 40 mins
Skill Level: Easy

Nutrition Info (Per Serving)

510 kcal Energy
64g Carbohydrate
27g Protein
18g (of which Sugar)
13g Fat
16g Fibre
1.7g (of which Saturated Fat)
1.3g Salt


2 tbsp olive oil

200g chicken breast, cut into large cubes – skin removed

1 onion, finely diced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

Spices: 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 2 tsp ground cumin, 2 tsp ground coriander

2 tsp paprika

½ tsp chilli flakes

200g carrots, cubed

250g butternut squash, cubed

1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes

1 vegetable or chicken stock cube

1 can chickpeas

50g dried apricots, chopped

100g cavolo nero, sliced

200g couscous


1. Heat the oil in a tagine dish or heavy-based flameproof casserole dish. Fry the chicken for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the dish and set aside.

2. Add the onion and cook for 5 minutes.

3. Add the garlic to the dish along with the spices. Stir for 1 minute.

4. Add the chicken, carrots and butternut squash. Stir for 1 minute.

5. Add the chopped tomatoes along with a can full of water, and the stock cube.

6. Leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes, until the squash and carrots are quite soft.

7. Drain and rinse the chickpeas. Add these, the dried apricots, and cavolo nero to the dish and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.

8. Season to taste. Serve with couscous cooked as per packet instructions and garnish with fresh coriander.

Cooking Tips

Not a fan of couscous? Serve with rice instead. Want to make it vegetarian/vegan? Cook without the chicken and use vegetable stock. Want extra protein? Serve with yoghurt.

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